Our Green Policy
We think our green policy is more like a solid promise, an ethos and a duty rather than a handful of rules we adhere to. Said policy for us was established during our development process and not our operational.
Our Ethos and Duty
We meticulously chose our materials and opted for local construction workers minimizing transportation and unnecessary imports while at the same time boosted the local economy and helped raise awareness towards sustainable development. We never settled for anything that compromises the preservation of the land we live in.
Within our premises, we have a – recyclable materials only – attitude and we use low energy, LED lighting bulbs. We monitor our energy, gas, electricity and water consumption and have installed systems that regulate the temperature of the building in the most energy-efficient manner. We avoid the usage of harmful cleaning chemicals and replace these with eco-friendly products wherever possible.
Our toilets and faucets save water. We inform our guests that they can participate in the towel reuse program and encourage them to have their linens changed on the second night of their stay.
We also consider the environmental impacts of our purchasing, therefore we buy in bulk products with long shelf-life, like toiletries. The raw materials we use in the kitchen are mostly local.
Green Best Practices
We think before we print and reuse or recycle printed paper at every opportunity. We didn’t print brochures (and if we ever do the paper will be recycled) and therefore chose SuitePads to provide relevant information. We installed a housekeeping notification button instead of using paper signage.
We encourage our guests to explore the local attractions by bicycle or on foot by providing information on walks, cycle routes and cycle hire information.
A green policy is never complete, it is a work in progress and we invite you to be part of it! Feel free to email us any suggestions you might have at info@theregnodimorea.com.